Friday, July 19, 2013


  •               Bears are big dog like mammals initiate all in the area of the earth. Present are eight different kind of bear that are set up in a thick variety of habitats in together the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, mostly the Americas, Europe and Asia.
  • Most bears are nocturnal, single animals only in fact congregating all through the bears mating season. The mother bear will then lift her cubs awaiting they too, are old an adequate amount to live on their own. Bears generally have an tremendous sense of smell in addition to are also incredible at mountaineering trees, swimming and are capable to run at speeds of up to 35 mph for short periods of time.
  • All bears are generally classified as curnivores but most species of bear today have adapted various herbivorous traits. For example, the huge panda has a diet that above all comprises of bamboo. Most type of bear tends to hunt fish over land animals, although it’s not unusual for a bear to not eat fish at all.
  • In Viking northern Europe, the locals resolutely thought that by tiring a shirt complete of bear skin, the wearer would adopt the powerful individuality of the bear such as the stand power and courage. tale contain it that the word berserk is said to create from this faith from the way the pretentious men adopting these bear attribute behaved, but whether this is true or not be hard to tell.
  • The Malaysian sun bear is the minimum of the accessible bear type, with the average adult sun bear measuring about 1 meter tall. The polar bear is generally the biggest species of bear with the adults growing to over 3 meters tall. The grizzly bear found in North America is the only other species of bear where the adults can get to this size, but it is uncommon.

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