Monday, July 1, 2013


  •           Geese acquaintance and construct their nests in arrange to raise their baby geese (recognized as goslings) in the north during the warmer summer months and the geese then move south in the winter to the warmer climates when the baby geese are strong enough to wing.
  • Geese are omnivorous birds but mainly feed on insects, grubs, small search and plankton in the water. Geese spend a great treaty of time on the water and have special adaptation such as webbed feet which make their aquatic life easier.
  • Geese have a number of natural predators although, billed to the size and strength of a goose, greedy animals don't always include an easy time if they believe goose for dinner. The main predators of the goose are fox, untamed dogs, raccoons as well as birds that predominately prey on the goose eggs as well as newborn baby geese. Humans are among one of the most common predators of geese, as geese are hunted all on the subject of the world for their meat and feathers.
  • Geese are strong and tough birds and are known to get to old ages, even in the wild. The average years of a goose are between 20 and 30 years but a number of geese individuals have been known to live for a great deal longer.
  • Geese are known to have extremely strong wings as they migrate long distances every day to the stove climates. Unpaid to the fact that the wingspan of a goose be accordingly large (normally one and half times the size of the goose's body), and the wings of the goose are so brawny, a goose is known to be able to inflict severe harm to human should it become threatened or annoyed!
  • Not only do geese thrash their wings to scare unwanted companionship, but they are also known to construct a loud hissing noise. If these methods of defense fail, it is not uncommon for a goose to simply charge at the intruder hissing and flapping its wings all at the same time.
  • The term geese are normally used to refer to these birds in general, but more particularly a female. The name gander is in the main used to refer to a male... The child geese are referred to as goslings and a set of geese on the soil is called a group with geese flying in structure being called a fix in place or a skein.

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