Thursday, November 21, 2013


  • Catfish are collections of bottom-feeding fish that are originate in freshwater habitats and coastal regions on and approximately every continent in the earth with the exception of Antarctica. Catfish are a good number easily identified by their packed down broad heads and the long whisker-like barbells that protrude from the mouth of the catfish.
  • The long barbells of the catfish have the flavor buds of the catfish and so are often most usually used for smelling and so sensing what is about to eat (and to conceal from) in the nearby waters. In spite of the specified name however, not all catfish type have famous whisker-like barbells.
  • There are nearly 3,000 known species of catfish in the world but it is thought that the actual number of catfish group could be as high as 4,500 as much type of catfish are originate in areas where there is little or no human get in touch with. Even though catfish can usually be found in faster-flowing rivers and stream, some catfish type have adapted to living in superficial salt-water environments as other catfish species live their lives in caves underground.
  • The average catfish is around a meter in length usually slightly less depending on the species. Catfish but can range in size from just a centimeter in duration to more than two meters lengthy. The biggest type of catfish is the Mekong catfish, which is originating inhabiting parts of the Mekong River so as to flows from side to side Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. The biggest Mekong catfish ever found calculated nearly 3 meters in duration.
  • Catfish in common have a carnivorous diet, though the tiny catfish species have been recognized to ingest small aquatic plants. Catfish is probable to nourish on fish, insects and worms so as to stay seal to the waterway cradle, beside with amphibians such as frogs and newts and rarely small reptiles and mammals.
  • Due to the extensive collection and collection of the catfish, the catfish has many predators all approximately the world. Large fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and even  all prey on the 3,000 curious catfish type.
  • Female catfish spawn (lay their eggs) close to the exterior of the water anywhere they are in protected hands from extra bottom-dwelling water animals. Female catfish take it easy stuck flanked by 10 and 90 little eggs at a instance which manufacture in a smaller quantity of than a week.

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