Wednesday, November 20, 2013


  • The swan is a large marine bird directly correlated to geese and ducks. The swan is known for its fierce character and the swans amazingly strong wings which are said to be able to cause perilous (sometimes mortal) injuries to any animal the swan feels threatened by.
  • The swan is set up on both sides of the Equator across the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The northern swan is normally white in paint with a red beak and the southern swan tends to be a grouping of white and black in color with red, orange or black beaks.
  • The Australian black swan has been noted to only swim with one leg, the other being tucked above its conclusion. This helps the swan to change path more smoothly when the swan is swimming on the outside of the water, should the swan spot foodstuff or even a looming marauder.
  • Swans are omnivorous birds but have a very vegetarian diet. Swans eat undersea plant life such as seaweed and aquatic plants when they are on the water and a grouping of plants, seeds and berries when they are on earth. Swans also eat insects both water and land based and the occasional small fish.
  • Due to their large size, swans have little normal predators in the wild. The swan's main predator is the human being who hunts the swan for its meat and its down. Other predators of the swan contain wolves, raccoons and foxes they victim in cooperation on the swan itself but also on its eggs.
  • Although swans do not mate for life, couples start physically powerful bonds amongst one another and can repeatedly mate for a few years. Swans put up their nests on soil out of branches and leaves, and the female swan lies between 3 and 9 eggs. The baby swans (known as cygnets) produce out of their eggs after an incubation of just over a month. The cygnets are regularly on the wet with their mother swan within a couple of days and stay close to her for both protection and warmth. The mother swan will protector her baby swans irately from predators or any animal that she believes is a peril.
  • Swans have many adaptations in order to productively survive life on the water such as their rationalize body shape, long neck and webbed feet. The wings of the swan are also very strong connotation that the swan is one of the few grave birds that is able to fly, even if it is only a short detachment.

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